Term 2 say goodbye

Today is the last day of term before the Easter holidays. I’m over two thirds of my way through my Year Abroad.

The best thing ever to have happened to me will be over in 10 weeks and that makes me feel sick. And scared.

I’m scared because I know that May is going to come around really quickly.

I’m scared because I turn 21 next week and I still have no idea what I want to do in the future (was hoping I’d be famous by 21 so I need to find a Plan B).

I’m scared because I’m in the process of picking my Maths/German modules for next year but I don’t want to go back to uni.

I’m scared because I can’t imagine my life away from Austria.

I’m scared because my Year Abroad is the most amazing experience I’ve ever had and I just don’t want it to end.

If this is how emotional I feel now, just imagine what I’m going to be like at the end of May when I have to say goodbye to Saalfelden. 😦

Anyway, I really need to pack so this is just going to be a short post. Since my last update, I’ve been doing the usual; drinking, skiing, embarrassing myself. I wish I was joking. Here’s what I’ve been up to, plus a couple of pictures:

  • I went skiing with Graham and Ian in Saalbach last week and it was hilarious
  • I corrected a lot of work (coursework and fairy-tales) but now I’m finally done so I don’t have to worry over the holidays
  • I was aiming to finish my uni work before Easter but that’s not happened so I’m still cracking on with that
  • I went to Vorarlberg last weekend
  • We went to Liechtenstein on Saturday (I want to go to all the countries bordering Austria – done Liechtenstein, Germany, Slovenia, Italy, Hungary. Still need to visit Czech Republic, Slovakia and Switzerland. I have been in 7 countries so far this year)
  • St Patrick’s Day was celebrated in style in Feldkirch
  • I got really drunk with Nina on Wednesday and then we decided I’m gonna have a huge birthday party and I accidentally invited loads of students. Oops
  • Meanwhile some of my final year students were working on their A-Level projects at school so I went and joined them til 4:30am because I wasn’t tired

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(Only just discovered how to do a slideshow lol)

This was quite a pointless post, I’m just really anal about my blog and I have to document everything in chronological order.

I’ve got another post coming this week though; 21 things I’ve learnt before 21.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Check out my Instagram (warwickrachel) and Snapchat (rachelcwarwick) to follow what I get up to in the Easter holidays. I haven’t seen my family in 11 weeks so I’m really, really excited to catch up with them.

Rach x

  • Family-sized bags of Pombears eaten this week: 5. It’s an addiction
  • Song of the week: Dead And Gone – T.I. ft Justin Timberlake. A blast from the past but definitely have a listen, you won’t regret it
  • Drink of the week: raspberry flavour Bacardi
  • Favourite photo this week:


Schlitz and Giggles

If my blog doesn’t make you want to do a year abroad then I don’t know what will. I’m basically getting paid to get drunk and overeat in Austria.

My charity

If you follow my blog, you’ll know I signed up for a course a few weeks ago. It was called “Richtig Pinzgauer”, a course about the Pinzgau dialect (where I live).

In a nutshell, I went to the first session and it was shit, so I didn’t go for the other 2 weeks.

Then I got an angry email saying the course has finished and I still need to pay the €39. So I replied back politely, telling them I’ve been ill for the last 2 weeks, which is why I couldn’t attend the course.

But earlier today I checked my email, and I received this:


It says I need to send them a note from my Doctor, otherwise I’ll have to pay the €39. I’m so pissed off. And out of principle, I don’t want to pay.

So I’ve set up a justgiving page.


If you’d like to give me some money to fund the course that I didn’t attend but still have to pay for, it would be much appreciated.


On Tuesday I headed into Salzburg (the city) to see my fabulous friend Aisha.

It was really nice being in the city for the day; Saalfelden isn’t the most cosmopolitan town lol. Originally I was really gutted that I wasn’t working in Salzburg, but I absolutely love Saalfelden. And Salzburg is very close, so it has worked out for the best.


Aisha and I had a loooovely catch up and we had dinner with Pearl and Ava. I’d not seen Aisha in a few weeks and I hadn’t seen Pearl and Ava since the training course (read about it here) and it was so so so nice to spend the evening with them!! We also got told off for being too loud in the restaurant, but what do you expect with 2 Americans, an Irish gal and a Brit. I think the Austrians were just jealous or maybe xenophobic.

After dinner, the girls took me to their favourite place to go drinking – O’Malley’s Irish pub in Salzburg (Aisha, you can take the girl out of Ireland…). We were there for happy hour and it was just so fab. We finished at the pub, then Aisha and I went back to hers for a girly sleepover.

I had to leave Wednesday morning as I had a lesson that afternoon. Isn’t being a language assistant just the best though?! I can nip into the city for a girls night and it doesn’t matter if I’m hungover or tired because I only have one lesson the next day.

If any of you are second years and considering about what to do on your year abroad – I would 10000% recommend working with the British Council. Remind me and I’ll probably write a blog post about it (reasons to do year abroad/be a language assistant/live in Austria), and I’m always happy to answer any questions.

Déjà Vooorarlberg 

I know you’re not supposed to wish your life away but I spent the whole of last week counting down the days until Friday.

I spent another weekend in Vorarlberg. I don’t think my last one counts as I had food poisoning and couldn’t stop being sick/pooing so I returned this weekend to make up for lost time. I arrived in Feldkirch on Friday (after a loooong journey), but it was so worth it. Megs picked me up from the station, we dropped my stuff off at hers, and went to Interspar. We bought our food and drinks, and took the train to Dornbirn. And we were thirsty on the train so we cracked open a bottle of wine.


Thursday 23rd was Thanksgiving, so we celebrated on the Friday evening. We went to Mitch’s flat in Dornbirn and everyone bought a plate of food. But Megan and I don’t know how to make pumpkin pie/stuffing/green bean casserole so our contribution to the dinner was chips, dips and vodka. Apparently that’s a traditional Thanksgiving dish though. I’m pretty sure the Pilgrim settlers also had a feast of Doritos and Russian Standard in 1621.


We spent the evening chatting and drinking and it was lush. We drank too much wine and got really tired, so headed home at 1:30am ish.

Just a quick message to my friends in Vorarlberg – thank you so much for inviting me to your Thanksgiving dinner. I’m sure it must have been difficult for my American friends to be spending Thanksgiving away from home, so I hope you had a lovely evening too. It was so kind of you to have me and I loved spending my first Thanksgiving with such an amazing group.

On Saturday, Megan and I spent the morning in bed, and went to the Christmas markets in Feldkirch for lunch. We had raclette and crepes and it was sooo yummy. It also made me really excited for the holidays – I’m spending Christmas in the UK but going to France a few days after. The smell of raclette cheese made me really excited for France. I fkin love Austria but I also love Christmas and I’m getting so pumped to go home (only 3 and a half weeks left!! Where has the time gone?!!!!).


Saturday night was COCKTAIL NIGHT and we’d been planning it for ages. Megs and I accidentally ate 3 dinners on Saturday. At Feldkirch station we had a sandwich each, then made nachos when we got to Sam and Luke’s, and then we ordered pizza a few hours later. Oops.


We decided on an 80s themed night so Megan and I wore scrunchies in our hair and I wore my mum’s ugly 80s jumper. The boys (Sam, Luke and Michal) dressed as bartenders and made us some very yummy and very strong cocktails. We all got really drunk so I guess they did the job well.


I took this off Megan’s snapchat which is why there’s a big ugly heart in the way

Victoria and James joined us later, and we kept drinking for a bit longer. We walked to the station, got a train to Dornbirn Hauptbahnhof, and then took a free shuttle bus from the station to the club. It had started snowing and it was foookin freeeeezing on Saturday night.

The club was really cool and it was kind of in the middle of nowhere. Big shout out to Megan – I love going out with her, she’s almost as weird as I am. The music was fab, it was such a good atmosphere and I was with some of my best friends (plus Mich).

Drinks were so expensive though. I bought a €7 vodka lemonade, and then a man turned around and knocked it out my hand. To say I was vexed is an understatement. I was soooo livid. I shouted and I told him he threw my drink on the floor and he should buy me a new one but he was drunk and horrible and didn’t and said it was my fault. Ugh. And because I’d wasted €7, I made it my mission to get free vodka lemonades so I went round asking people to buy me drinks. Which someone did. A glass of sparkling water. What a prick.


there about 17 filters on this and we still look shite

I don’t want to drop Sam in it, but he was quite tipsy on Saturday (lol). I remember looking after him, which made a nice change for me. Normally I’m the one being looked after.

There was a blizzard on Saturday night and aaaall the taxis were booked, so we had to wait ages for one. We also wanted to go to McDonald’s, but it was shut (even though it says it’s 24 hours) and we were soooo cross.

When we got back to the boys’ house, Sam kindly cooked käsespätzle for us. He doesn’t remember making it, but it was really yummy and was far nicer than McDonald’s.

We all ended up staying at Sam and Luke’s because there were no trains/taxis. God knows how we managed to fit 6 of us in Luke’s bedroom. Megan and I got back to the boys’ at 4am and had planned to stay awake until 5:30am and get the first train home, so we started watching Blades of Glory to try and stay awake.


But Blades of Glory is my favourite film and I was still drunk. So I was quoting the whole thing. And apparently other people don’t like that when they’re trying to sleep. James is just as bad as me though; whenever we’re together we are like children and we couldn’t stop laughing for about an hour. Then we fell asleep and woke up a few hours later so got the train at 8am I think??


Me on the train in the morning #SportySpice #HungoverSpice

On Sunday, after 2 hours sleep, Megan and I went for lunch with the boys. My food was very very yummy, but I was so hungover and had no appetite. You know when you’re really hungry and think back to a time when you didn’t finish your meal and it makes you frustrated because you’re like oh if I’d eaten that extra bite of food 3 weeks ago I wouldn’t be hungry now !!! That’s how I feel about the lunch on Sunday. I wish I had eaten the rest of my meal. Oh well. Life goes on.


I got the train back and arrived in Saalfelden at 6pm, and then went to bed at 8:30. I slept for 10 hours last night and I’m still knackered now. But it was so so so so worth it. This weekend and my weekend in Vienna have been my 2 favourite trips during my year abroad so far.

Thanks to everyone who made my weekend such a good one. I’m feeling hashtag blessed.

Speak soon. Love,

Rach x

  • Word of the week: vexed
  • Film of the week: Blades of Glory
  • Quote of the week: “What the fuck happened” – Sam

Follow me on instagram @warwickrachel
Also follow my shinsta (shit insta) @rachiepachie0101


Feldkirch and Fucking Food Poisoning

Since my last post, things have been going well here in Austria. Until the weekend, then it went downhill. But we’ll come to that later – I’m going to talk you through my week, full of ups and downs.

Monday 6th

I went to bed really early on Sunday evening and woke up on Monday morning in a WINTER WONDERLAND. Loooook how stunning it is!! Literally this is the view from my bedroom window!!! How lucky am I.


Tuesday 7th

I decided to sign up for an evening course at the Volkshochschule (community college) in Saalfelden. It’s called Richtig Pinzgauern, basically a course to learn the dialect of the region. So after a long day of teaching, it got to 6pm, I really reeeeally didn’t want to go, but I headed into town. A lovely group of ladies helped me find the room, so I waddled in (I was wearing about 14 layers it’s FREEZING here) and there were only 2 other people in the room. The guy running the course and his wife. Aghh so awkward. Then 2 other people came into the room (thank GOD), so there were 3 of us in total. The course lasted 1 hr 40, and it was so shit.

Firstly, the man running the course was like 90 years old and didn’t know how to use a computer properly, which was pretty painful to watch. Secondly, the speakers weren’t working on the laptop, so we couldn’t hear any of the sound clips/videos he’d wanted to use. Thirdly, the whole session was just him talking through a website about the Pinzgau dialect. There’s meant to be 2 more sessions in the next few weeks, but I have no idea what else we can talk about. Haven’t actually paid yet so might not turn up tomorrow. Hmm, we’ll see.

Wednesday 8th

Pretty quiet day (I only had one lesson) so I spent the morning shopping. Honestly I think I have a spending problem, I haven’t been paid yet and I also forgot to send off my Erasmus form (I’m such a dicksplash – it’ll be another month before I get my grant). But despite this, I thought it would be a good idea to spend €80 on food, makeup and earrings. Within the space of 30 minutes. I really hate myself sometimes.

Thursday 9th


I’m sure you’ll have seen from my Facebook/Instagram/Snapchat but I went skiing on Thursday, wahooooo. There’s a glacier near me called Kitzsteinhorn, and it’s open pretty much all year.

So on Thursday, I spent:

  • €600 on a whole area season pass (it’s an investment)
  • I don’t have my skis/boots with me in Austria, so €53 on equipment hire
  • Also don’t have a car here, so €10 on travel
  • BUT I took a packed lunch with me so that saved me about €7 ha ha every little helps right ?!?!?!

Oh God. I really cannot wait for payday on Wednesday.

But apart from spending nearly €700, I had an amazingggg day. The weather was beautiful, the pistes weren’t too busy, it was my first day on the slopes of the season, and it was blissful. A lot of people seemed confused that I went skiing alone but I figured it was like going for a walk/run by yourself? I’m also an experienced skier and know how to get myself out of trouble if I needed to, so I wasn’t too worried.


Before it all went downhill !!! Literally !!!!! Ha hA HAHAA

Friday 10th – such a sick day #foodpoisoning

In the morning, I had 4 lessons, and I finished at 11:30. After lunch, I got the bus to the station, and then the train to Feldkirch (where Megan lives in Vorarlberg). The journey took just under 4 hours, so not too bad. I was so excited arriving in Feldkirch, I’d not seen Megan since Vienna and it was soooo nice to see her and the gang again !!!

I arrived just before dinner, so after doing our makeup, we went for a meal. I ordered the mushroom risotto and Megs had a pizza. I wish wish wish I’d ordered a pizza too, because I am 100% certain that the risotto gave me food poisoning. Not sure if you know this, but you can get food poisoning from rice (if it’s been left out on the side for too long). And our food came out within like 10 minutes, so it wouldn’t surprise me if it had been sat there for ages.


she’s here and she’s gonna vom all over your bed lol sorry megs xx

Anyway, Megs and I had a lovely dinner date and a much-needed catch up. We headed back to hers, got changed and started getting boozaaaay. James, Luke and Sam (my favourite bunch of Narrens) joined us at Megan’s and we started predrinking. I honestly never laugh harder than I do when I see these guys, they are all just so fkin funny.



We were drinking for hours and drank bottles and bottles of Vodka, so by the time we left for the club, we were very, very, very giggly (hammered). Megan is an actual legend, we didn’t think she was going to make it out but she turned it around, got her shit together and managed to sober up for the club (by drinking loads of water and eating her bodyweight in crisps).

I’m not sure if I mentioned this before, but smoking is legal in bars in Austria. I remember walking into the club, and all I could think was how smoky it was. I don’t smoke, but I have become acclimatised to the smell of it. I’ve kind of had to. Do you know why?? Because at uni, ALL the fit boys are in the smoking area on a night out. Seriously. All of them. So because I don’t smoke myself, being able to tolerate the smell of cigarettes became my only option. And my one-way ticket to a giant cockfest (just kidding mum I’m a virgin).

I don’t remember too much else of the night to be honest. My memory is very blurry, but here’s what happened before I started chucking up:

  • I think we were walking to the club and trying to do a triple piggy back with Luke and Megan. And then I think I jumped on James?? Can’t really remember. Can’t think why.
  • Luke shouting “don’t choke me, I’m asthmatic”. As if only asthmatic people can die from choking loool
  • Someone (me? probs not) bought me a vodka lemonade and I spat in it and didn’t drink it (sorry, I owe you a drink)
  • ???


Okay, just a disclaimer for this next bit: I am very very rarely sick from alcohol. And if you don’t like sick stories, stop reading now.

I just could not stop chundering. I do remember going to the boys toilets and Luke holding my hair back while I was chucking up. And I remember looking at my sick thinking “wow that risotto doesn’t look any different from earlier”.


Obviously in the moment I thought it was because I’d been drinking too much, but looking back, I think I must have had a funny tummy after eating the risotto, and then the alcohol aggravated it. Lol.

Anyway, I had to be taken home because I COULDN’T STOP VOMITING. On the street. In the toilet. On myself. In Megan’s bed (I am so sorry). On her floor. In the bin. It was fucking disgusting.

Me, Luke and Sarah stayed over at Megan’s on Friday, so 4 in her double bed, with me on the end. I didn’t sleep at all Saturday night. Every 30 minutes I woke up to run to the loo. Let’s just say I was firing from both ends – I never knew there was so much liquid in me!!! (omg this is so grim haha I am so sorry. Just want to document my year abroad as honestly as possible)


“take a photo of me for the blog”

***Luke has just filled me in on what happened on Friday night – these are his words exactly:

“In terms of Friday night, you had a piggy back on James to the club, you asked some people the way to the club when we were stood right next to it, you asked me to order you a vodka and fizzy water, which I questioned, you insisted that was right, then after I’d ordered you changed your mind. You then slumped on the sofa, gobbed in an empty glass, poured half of your €9 drink into the same glass and headed to the dancefloor. You disappeared for a bit, re-emerged, I took you to get some fresh air, you said you were going to be sick and when offered outside or the bathroom you chose bathroom. I showed you into the gents because the ladies were full. After throwing up a couple of times and trying to recover, you admitted defeat and said you needed to go home, so Megan and I took you back, she got you changed and you passed out into a peaceful sleep…for about 20 mins before you vommed all over yourself. Then after cleaning up what I could, you did it again, just lying on your back and pushing me off when I tried to help you to the bin. At some point, the sight of you lying in your own sick made me vom and you patted my back whilst I threw up in the bin. There was also a point where you got up suddenly to go and shower and returned in just a towel shivering. Then the last noteworthy event was when you got up at 4, I thought you were going to vom so followed you down to the bathroom, whereupon I asked if I should come in and entered expecting to find you needing help throwing up, and instead you were just sat on the loo”.

Saturday 11th

In the morning, Luke (the actual SAINT) walked into town for me. He bought me some medicine from the pharmacy to help with the vomiting, and some energy drinks to keep my hydrated.



Initially, Megan and Luke didn’t believe me when I said I thought I had food poisoning. Actually, no one did. Everyone thought I’d just been drinking too much lol, but after 15 hours of chucking up, they realised that I was actually really poorly.


Saturday was a write-off. I spent the morning in bed, stopped chundering, had a shower, went back to bed and Megs and I napped for a few hours. Me, Megan and James went to Luke’s for a takeaway and movie night (but I ate rice cakes and fell asleep as soon as the film started). They watched Wild Hogs, and I wish I’d been awake because they said it was funny and the soundtrack sounded good.

Sunday 12th

I checked the train times from Feldkirch – Saalfelden on Sunday morning, and realised that most of them were cancelled, and there were rail replacement buses instead. The train/bus journeys were terrible, I had to change 4 times before I got back home and I kept falling asleep. I’ve decided there’s NOTHING worse than travelling when you’re poorly.

So I got home (at 4:30pm), and I just couldn’t stop sobbing. You know when you’re ill and all you want is to be at home with your family looking after you? I was so poorly, I felt sorry for myself and I was just really sad.

I had a shower and watched Love Actually. I had to pause the film I was crying soooo much.

Even today (Monday) I’ve been crying loads! I just can’t stop!!! God knows why I am so hormonal at the moment. Maybe I’m pregnant. Ha ha just kidding, you have to have sex to get pregnant and that hasn’t happened in a long time.

love actually.gif

ANYWAY thank you (so much, as always) for reading. I haven’t gone outside today, I still feel shit and it’s snowing loads.

Speak soon. Loads of love,

Rach x

  • Times chundered this weekend: approx. 60-70
  • Hours spent sleeping on Sunday night: 13
  • Homesickness on a scale of 1-10: 8. This is the worst I’ve felt so far.
  • Friends of the week: Megan and Luke. Absolute angels.
  • Song of the week: Baby It’s Cold Outside. Cold is an understatement hun it’s fucking freezing

All for one and one Vorarlberg


I’m not sure what has happened. I think I have writer’s block. I have no motivation to write this blog post and I can’t think of anything funny or witty to say. Fingers crossed I’ll start writing and it’ll be fine.

I’m feeling good apart from that though. Just got back from a couple of days in Vorarlberg; I stayed in Bludenz, spent Saturday evening in Dornbirn and also was in a supermarket in Feldkirchen for 10 minutes so that’s technically 3 towns I saw!!! What a treat.

It was also the first time I’ve been properly drinking in 2 weeks which was really great but also a shock to my liver. Thing is, I know my limits, I just choose to exceed them. Didn’t think I was going to survive Sunday morning. “At least she died doing what she loved”, they’d say. “Getting off her tits”.

But it’s fine, I’m still here, still alive, still an alky.

So here’s what’s been occurring this weekend in little old Austria:

I took the train from Saalfelden to Bludenz on Friday evening. I packed my laptop hoping I could plan some lessons for the next week on the train. But there was no wifi on the train, so that meant I spent the whole journey listening to some very weird shit. The only things I’d downloaded were my Songs to Sing in the Shower playlist and a German podcast called “Eine Stunde Liebe”. So I spent 4 hours switching between Motown/70s disco/Disney classics and a podcast about sex toys in the 20th century. Very bizarre.

Arrived in Bludenz at 5:30pm. I was staying with Victoria in her accommodation and I hadn’t seen her for 2 weeks since the training week in Hinterglemm. 14 days doesn’t sound a lot, but so much has happened on my year abroad so far that 2 weeks in Austria time is the equivalent of 3 months normal time. We had a chill night on Friday with pizza, popcorn, girly films and Hugo (that’s a drink not a man lol, shame).

Saturday morning we went for a hike. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; I am incredibly healthy and I LOVE to keep fit. Lol. I’m not. I’m not fit at all. I get out of breath walking up 3 flights of stairs to my bedroom. I have already gained a considerable amount of weight since my year abroad began (less than a month ago LOL). I knew things were getting out of hand when one of my students asked me what my favourite fruit is, and it’s been so long since I had any that the only thing I could think of was Terry’s Chocolate Orange. Also, all the vegetarian meals here have cheese in them. I’m not really a big cheese fan (I get my RDA for calcium from Piña Coladas and Cadbury’s chocolate) so all this cheese is going STRAIGHT to my thighs. Anyway, that’s why this hike seemed like a good idea. I need to do loads of walking if I’m gonna drop back down to a size 10 by Christmas.

Hike was lovely – I’m sure you can imagine the stunning views. Austria is so breathtakingly beautiful it’s like I have asthma!!! But the hike was also 2 hours long. The plan was to take the path down the mountain and end up back in Bludenz, but we accidentally took the Bergweg (mountain path). We followed a family down said path, thinking if a 7 year old can do it then so can we? Oh God no. They must have balls of steel and thighs of iron because me and Vics were shitting it.



It was the narrowest, steepest little path EVER. Think of that scene where Shrek and Donkey are crossing the bridge and Donkey has to tell himself “don’t look down! don’t look down!” and then he does and screams “SHREK, I’M LOOKING DOWN”. I was Donkey in that moment. Here’s a video of me and Vics dicing with death/montage of things from Saturday:

Anyway, during our hike from hell we reached a field and took some The Sound of Music-esque photos and videos. The whole area was just stunning, honestly the views were unbeatable. So even though we nearly died on a mountain, we got some wonderful Instagrams out of it. Every cloud has a silver lining.

Saturday evening – me, Victoria and Megan met the other Vorarlberg assistants in Dornbirn. The plan was to meet by the river at 6:30pm and have a campfire and eat sausages and toast marshmallows and sing songs and it would all be lovely and Pinterest-worthy. Basically we missed the train (I was doing my makeup and we ran out of time), got on the next train, missed our stop because we were chatting, had to travel back and finally arrived in Dornbirn. The boys had told us to leave the station and walk down the river, we would see a fire and it would all be hunkydory. So that’s what we did – we crossed the bridge, walked along the river and found a group of boys by a fire. But they were not our boys, they were 3 Austrian whippersnappers who were not going to share their food with us. Basically, there was no path so we had to wade through the river (only 1cm deep but still), got to a deep bit, we rang Zach for help and he came and saved us. I did feel really panicky, but at the same time I do enjoy being at the centre of drama so I didn’t mind too much.

By the time we got to the fire it was gone 8pm and we were hungryyyy. But once we were there it was fab. A phenomenal amount of food and beer was consumed Saturday night. The (very generous) Vorarlbergers bought loads of snacks and booze to our campfire. Victoria fell in the river, got soaked and bruised her knees – amazing. Afterwards, we went back to Mitch’s and carried on drinking, hit a bar and ended up in a Kebab shop. Evidently the whole population of Dornbirn go there after a night out for a bag of chips and a fight. We then got the last train home at 2:30am.

I don’t want to sound like a melt but the Vorarlberg lot are so hospitable and kind and I had a really lovely evening with them and wow maybe I’m due my period soon or something but I suddenly feel really emotional writing about how nice they are and how lucky I am to have made such good friends !!!

Us post hike

As I mentioned earlier, Sunday morning was spent sleeping so we could shake off our hangovers and we woke up gloriously sober and not headachy (lol as if). And then something weird happened. I got out of bed and couldn’t move. My legs were so stiff from the hike that they must have forgotten how to walk. The only way I can move is by plodding along without bending my knees. Think Tinman in The Wizard of Oz when he tries walking for the first time. Have been waddling around for the last 36 hours and it’s not great.

Hmm, trying to think what else is new. Some of my students/people living in the boarding house have been reading my blog (so hello to you and thanks for joining). I absolutely adore my students. At first they were a little wary of me I think, like they are birds of prey and I was getting a bit near their eggs. But now they’ve got to know me they’re super chatty and they are no longer birds of prey but lovely chicks welcoming me into their nest of a school.

We’ve also booked our trip to Vienna next week wahooo! We’ve got 8 of us going and we’ll be there for Austria’s National Day. Trying not to think about how much money I’m spending on train tickets at the moment (it’s a lot). Am going to Munich tomorrow to see my Uncle (he lives there). I’m staying Tuesday evening & the whole of Wednesday as I have no lessons and it’ll be really really fun!

Speak soon!

Love, Rach x


  • Alcohol units on Saturday night: 22.3
  • Time spent on train this weekend: 8 hours 30 minutes
  • Fruits and vegetables eaten: 2 (but I’ve bought some pears from Billa so will eat them soon)
  • Podcast of the Week: Weibliche Sexualität – Viva la Vulva!

PS thanks to everyone for reading my blog. Am overwhelmed by the number of you. Gonna have to start doing sponsored posts soon #ad #spon

PSS thanks Luke for letting me use your fabulous pun as my blog title. This is a good way to check if you’re still reading. Mad props if you are.